Monday, April 17, 2006

I received information about this blog from a friend. Thank you so much for doing this.

I received information about this blog from a friend. Thank you so much for doing this. I hope many women respond. This is an important topic. Both my sons are grown but I think I did as many good things as bad.

What did not work: Expecting your boyfriend to be their dad or trying to encourage itin any way? Boy this does NOT work!

What does work: Find him activities which involve some men. I got one in the Boy Scoutsand he became an Eagle Scout.Be ok with them having a relationship with their biological father even if you don't get along with him. Don't put their father down in front of him. (This was tough.)

What was a relief: That both I could not and did not have to be 'their father' and learning they can get a little bit of 'father' from many men in their lives. They both are living on their own and the one who was a Scout is doing a little better--maybe it helped. That's it for now and I look forward to seeing others postings.

MJ from the OH.

Single Mother's (Single Parent) Raising Sons:

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